

with my recent renewed interest in latte art (see my Piegirl blogspot, i learned this new word: tamp.

To tamp is the action of tamping the coffee into the basket.... Read more at Wikipedia

hmmm...i wonder if the verb "to tamper" is related in any way...



flexitarian (fleks.uh.TAYR.ee.un) n. A person who eats a mostly vegetarian diet, but who is also willing to eat meat or fish occasionally. —adj. (Flexible + vegetarian.) http://flexitarian.blogspot.com/

what a cool word to describe my kind of diet practice!

blog fr singapore


i love to read singlish especially online...came across this blog while just cruising thru blogger.com


did you know that is the Maori name for New Zealand? learned that from the creator of thedailyenglishshow, Sarah, in her profile. well, actually i read it in her profile and had to look it up in Wikipedia.

translation from Wikipedia:
The original derivation of Aotearoa is not known for certain. Ao = cloud, tea = white and roa = long, and it is accordingly most often translated as "The land of the long white cloud". According to oral tradition, the daughter of explorer Kupe saw white on the horizon and called "He ao! He ao!" ("a cloud! a cloud!"). The first land sighted was accordingly named Aotea (White Cloud) and is now commonly known as Great Barrier Island. When a much larger landmass was found beyond Aotea, it was called Aotea-roa (Long Aotea). Thus Aotearoa is a traditional name only of the North Island, though it now commonly refers to the whole country.


this is a great site with videos created by an English teacher in Japan:
